Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I Hate Lecturing!

This is my first year flipping my class and I had vowed to not lecture this year.   I have done small five minute lectures, but I was not willing to do a period long lecture. Well, recently I caved in. It is really not my fault.  I have been sick with pneumonia and I have not been able to make any new videos. The nice thing about the videos was that while I was sick the videos I had previously made kept my students from falling behind.  

Anyway, while I was sick I couldn't make any new videos.  I really had no other option so I figured I would fall back on my old friend PowerPoint.  Oh my gosh...what a nightmare!  I hated every second of it.  I know I am not a bad lecturer. In fact, I have had many former students tell me that they enjoy my lectures.  Regardless, I had so many heads on the desk and so many students day dreaming within the first ten minutes and I was counting the minutes when I would shut up.  

This was the first time I had a student put his head down on his desk all year.  No matter how interesting you can be most students are going to start losing interest at some point. Heck, I remember falling a sleep in my college lectures.  I love chemistry but I was so over exhausted there was no way I was going to stay awake.  

I enjoy the challenge of creating the videos. I try to keep them between 10-15 minutes in length.  This really helps me to stay focused and to the point.  Often, in class I would get sidetracked or a student's question would lead me down a totally new path.  

After my lecture, I couldn't believe that I use to teach this way everyday.  It was exhausting in a totally unproductive way to teach.  The flipped class is also very exhausting but at the end of the day you feel more accomplished.  After lecturing the entire period, I have no idea who knows what.  At the end of the day, in a flipped class, I have a great idea of who knows what because I had the time to talk to my students and answer their questions. I feel like I have a better understanding of how well students are doing.

I hope I never have to lecture again!


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